Great Role Models

I once heard someone say that many orphans and bereaved children don’t succeed in life due to a lack of parental guidance and cover. That has definitely not been my story and it doesn’t have to be yours either.

There’s a saying that it “takes a village to raise a child” – that has most certainly been my experience. Yes, there’s a place for parental guidance but there are so many other people that God has placed in your life that can make a positive impact on your development.

Growing up, my siblings (biological and adopted) were my biggest role models.

I publicly honour you Sis T, Sis B, Taiwo, The Cokers and The Kurojus.
The times I didn’t feel like going to Church or Bible study and you dragged me along. The stories you shared with me.  The cookery lessons I had voluntarily and otherwise 🙂 🙂 All of these have been instrumental in shaping me to become the woman I am today.

My biological siblings did not choose to be defined by our circumstances so I had no reason to. I had no choice but to follow in their footsteps.

My eldest sister could easily pass as my mother. Her maternal instincts are extraordinary. A woman of few words yet she knows what to say and what to do just at the right time.  She’s full of strength. I probably soaked up the most from watching her in my teenage years. She did her best to ease my transition to the British culture (story for another day)

I remember preparing for my A-Level exams and my other sister would wake me up in the early hours of the morning to recite spermatozogenesis  and ooogenesis to her. Biology was her speciality and she was determined I would not fail it; not under her watch. No wonder I followed in her footsteps and did the same course at university as she did. Apparently I am always copying her J, I always tell her that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. We sure did have our clashes, we have a very similar personality but she ALWAYS has my back. God definitely knew what he was doing when he brought me into this family.

My immediate older brother is just ab fab. We fought like cats and dogs growing up, but nothing and no one can come in between us by the grace of God. It’s so much easier for young girls to look out for an older woman or friend to look up to, but in my opinion it’s equally easier for young boys/men to fall by the wayside without parental guidance. This brother of mine has made me sooo soo proud. I look at him and all he has achieved and how he’s so attentive and caring with his young daughters and I know my momma and papa are definitely smiling down on him. And I think to myself, “I want to be like you”.

I say all of this to encourage you not to give up on life, not to give up on your dreams or your ambitions. Yes you might not have parental cover but please don’t let that stop you from achieving your dreams. This is what will make your parent(s)/loved ones proud. If you look hard enough you’ll find at least one person to cheer you on, to support you, someone you can look up to and mentor you. I’m willing to be a friend too, please feel free to email me at

As someone who has had the privilege of having great role models, I would like to end with a word for parents. As parents I think it is important to prayerfully consider role models that will build up our children and lead them on the right path. Not necessarily because of our absence, but because it really can take a village to raise a child. Children emulate those they see, why not make sure that who and what they see is shaping them in the right way for their future.


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