Grieving is Natural!

It’s the price we pay for our love for others. The closer you are to someone, the more likely you are to mourn and grieve their death. In my case, the pain I experienced after losing my Mum was much greater than the experience of losing my Dad for various reasons (See Interview I did last month), however one specific reason was because I had grown closer to my mum, obviously having had her around for much longer.

Shock, disbelief, confusion, depression, emptiness, and anger are all part of the grieving  process, and I share more about these emotions in my book – ‘Letters of Hope – Encouragement for the Bereaved Child’

This month I’ve been studying the book of John in the bible and I was specifically studying Chapter 11 this week – The Story of Lazarus.

Jesus was a friend of Lazarus, He loved him dearly. When Jesus met with Mary (one of Lazarus’s sisters) and she poured out her heart, asking why Jesus hadn’t come earlier. Jesus was moved by her tears and the people’s wailing. It is recorded in the Bible that Jesus wept (John 11:35 – The shortest verse in the bible).

Jesus wept, so  can weep too! I’m a big fan of letting out your emotions in a safe and controlled manner, cry if you need to, journal if you need to. But there has to be an outlet other than bottling up your anger, your fears, your hopes and dreams!

Crying simply means you’re human. God who gave us the ability to love and actually commands us to love others as ourselves understands sorrow and loss. Infact, He also gave us the ability to weep.

My prayer is that you will allow yourself to grieve naturally and safely. I pray that you will experience God’s everlasting peace that surpasses human understanding – accepting your loss and knowing that all things will work out for your good and God’s glory.


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